Segue (2001)

By James Moats in Asheville, NC

in an open segue to a quiet time
another reason explanation lies
a shadow cast long west to right
in darkness questions come to light

blast off castaway
ok now that's the way it goes
blast off castaway
avenge your day to day slope

i don't have a reason for this
mindless act of treason it's
a lack of respect on my part
this is not the way to start

a paragraph an open letter

moving backward devolve to
show the living breathing souls

hand to hand

it doesn't have to be this way
i want to want to wash the past away
kindness and generosity
the future based on hopefully

these things hope

thinking forward problem solved
flexed intellect big and strong
hand to hand
moving backward devolve to
show the living breathing souls
hand to hand


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